Charge will appear on your credit/debit card statement as ‘HWG LAW FIRM PC’ and will be processed through LawPay, a third-party merchant. Web-based testimonials and past performance are not indicative of future results. The terms are the same regardless if the party meets Attorney Green in person or virtually without an in person meeting taking place. The card-holder is the authorized user and is over the age of 18. Free 30 minute consultation only applies to criminal cases not civil or federal or administrative hearings. Clients have the option to handle legal matters themselves (Pro se), but are choosing to hire Attorney Holden Green to represent them instead. Attorney fees are NOT contingent upon a desired outcome of a case and all charges are final unless otherwise discussed with Attorney Green regardless of forum. In consenting to process representation by credit card, the Cardholder agrees to the fee processed, along with a $25 open file fee to cover copying, e-filing fees as needed, and runner costs to gather records. The final fees are fair and reasonable and discussed as authorized to start the case, and have been executed according to the State Bar Act and Rules of Professional Responsibility et al. The Client has had the opportunity to ask questions in advance prior to the process of the credit card. Period. All fee disputes are to be addressed through the Santa Clara County Fee arbitration process. That process can be found on the

    SCCBA Website to begin that process.

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